Our Supporters
The Lac-Brome Museum and the Brome County Historical Society would like to thank our supporters, many of whom have donated their time, energy, and resources to ensure that the museum is able to open its doors year after year. We would not be able to continually expand our services and deliver on our mandate.
From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you!
Our Partners

Major Gifts
Une amie du musée
The Alva Foundation
BMO Bank of Montreal
Canada Cultural Spaces Fund
Cercle Paul Holland Knowlton Circle (25,000+)
Cercle Marion L. Phelps Circle (10,000+)
Library and Archives Canada
Elizabeth Nixon
The Soutar Family
Ville de Lac-Brome
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec
Brome Bird Care Inc.
Mark and Catherine Ensio
Government of Canada
John and Karma Hallward
Sir Nell Shaw
Cercle Ernest Fleury Circle (5,000+)
A Friend of the Museum
Canadian Council of Archives
Canadian Museum Association
John and Diane Bennett
The Bennett Family of West Bolton
Anthony H. and Dorcas Levoy Eldridge
The John Philip Fisher Family
Alison Arbuckle Fisher
The Martha Hallward Fund
Adele Hébert
The Highwater Foundation
The Newton Foundation
Pacte Brome-Missisquoi
The Toronto Foundation
Dr. Michele Turek and Phil Kerrigan
Jamie and Gigi Wilson
Richard Santo
Cercle Catherine M. Day Circle (1,000+)
A Friend of the Museum
Valerie Ashton
Lynn A. Barber
William Barakett
Kenneth Battley and Manon Desgens
Claire et Laurent Beaudion
The Bélanger-Gardner Foundation
James and Barbara Brodeur
The S.M Blair Family Foundation
The Chawkers Foundation
Estate of Malcolm Crittenden
François et Laurence Duffar
Gemarjean Inc.
C. Ross Gledhill
Gouvernement du Quebec
Lois Hardacker and Charles Prosser
Robert Harvey
Carolyn L Kerrigan and David S.
Friend of the Museum
Canadian Council of Archives
Canadian Museum Association
John and Diane Bennett
The Bennett Family of West Bolton
Anthony H. and Dorcas Levoy Eldridge
The John Philip Fisher Family
Alison Arbuckle Fisher
The Martha Hallward Fund
The Knowlton Lions Club
Guy and Vanessa Laframbroise
Peter McAusian
The Estate of Barbra and McGibbon
Hartland J. McKoewn
Peter, Joan, Sally, Susan, Judy and John McKinnon
Municipalité de Austin
The Royal Canadian Legion, Brome Branch 23
Eric H. Rumsby
Len Sanders
David Seaman
Sir John Johnson Centennial Branch UEL
Mr. and Mrs. William Stavert
Transport LJH
Julia Wallace
The R. Howard Webster Foundation
Sally Webster
The Zeller Family Foundation
Marion Bramley and David Kendall
Comptior familial de Knowlton
Donna Knowlton
Three Pines Creations Inc.